Monday, May 26, 2008

Great Liam Pics

Here are some pics that Dee took of Liam when we were visiting last month. We think they came out perfect!

New Camera on the way!

With our government stimulus money, we decided to upgrade our current crap camera, a Kodak EasyShare C703...

To a new Nikon D60...

...which is a far greater camera (DSLR, 10.2 Megapixels, etc.), so hopefully this will get us on the bandwagon to take more pictures, plus it has a better video capability, so we can get some higher quality YouTube videos of Liam up!

House Updates - Bathroom Complete

I finished the downstairs bathroom, which was covered in wallpaper and a lot of old fixtures, basically updating everything except the floor, ceiling and mirror.

I don't have any pictures of the before, so you will just have to use your imagination...

House Updates - Replacing the Bushes

Oh, I could so make a political comment about that headline...but I wont.

We were getting a little sick of the front of the house looking dead in the winter time, with the current bushes basically dropping all of their leaves in the fall, leaving the house looking quite disparaging, so we updated the front corner of the house so far moving to boxwood's, which should stay green in the winter. giving us a little more color throughout the year.

You can see the new color of the house, from the old grey-pink color....
It also gave us a chance to add our Jayhawks NCAA Champions of the Year flag. Amy is quite proud.

These guys are going next: